Note that this documentation is for the deprecated version 1 software image of the WLAN Pi
The extcap project was originally created by Adrian Granados.
The utility is a wrapper around the SSHDump feature provided in Wireshark 3.x. Extcap feature is not actually a package on the WLAN Pi, but is an external utility that allows the WLAN Pi to be used as a remote capture device using Wireshark. It needs to be installed on the laptop where Wireshark is installed. It also provides additional options within Wireshark to allow the configuration of the WLAN Pi device to start a remote wireless frame capture.

Checkout these useful links for more information about extcap:
- Wireshark Plugin To Capture Wireless Frames Using a WLANPi (Windows 10)
- Githib: Wireshark extcap interface for remote wireless captures
- Github: Wxtcap for Windows
Last update: October 4, 2020